Poor Pete! The Boss has given him one week to complete the internal audits at eight locations by the end of the week. Poor Pete also has a to-do list of other tasks sitting on his desk. He has meetings, calls to make, emails to answer, and a family he would like to see at some point. The Boss needs detailed information compiled into an informative, concise presentation to provide to the Executive Team Monday morning. Poor Pete cannot fail! But how can he get it all done?!
Each location is about an hour away from each other and he will need at least three to four hours at each site to gather the necessary information. That means four days will be completely devoted just to travel and location inspections. That gives Poor Pete only one day to put all the information he has gathered into a spreadsheet, analyze the data, and put together the presentation. If he has no delays and completely uninterrupted time, he MIGHT be able to finish the presentation in time – but nothing else on his to-do list will get done, leaving him backed up and just as stressed out the next week. Poor Pete is overwhelmed and feeling like he should give up before he even starts.
Now imagine the same scenario with Productive Pete. Productive Pete contacted MSI and asked them about their Cloud Based Internal Audit System. He signed up on the spot and is not only ready, but eager for the time to come when he needs to complete Internal Audits. When the Boss arrives and asks for a detailed IA presentation by the end of the week, Productive Pete jumps at the chance.
With MSI’s IA system downloaded onto his mobile device, Productive Pete is able to spend half the time at each location. He completes three audits a day instead of two. After finishing up the last audit, he uploads the information on his drive back to the office. When Productive Pete gets back to his office on Wednesday afternoon, he pulls up the secured report online and all of the data has been analyzed and placed into a clear, concise presentation for him.
Thursday morning, two days early, Productive Pete turns over the presentation to The Boss. He receives praise at his timeliness and sincere thanks for such an amazing report. Productive Pete has gone above and beyond what was expected. He turned in the reports early. All of this, while doing half the work! And Productive Pete still has time to clear his desk of the remaining to-do list before heading home, happy and satisfied, to spend time with his family.
Don’t be Poor Pete! Putting in too much work and time for a boring, basic end-result is not the way to go! Be like Productive Pete. Call MSI and find out how you can get above and beyond results with half the effort. We are here to make you look good!